What You’re Not Changing, You’re Choosing: How Holding On Holds You Back in Recovery
One of the most challenging lessons to learn in the journey of recovery from addiction and alcoholism is this: “What you are not changing, you are choosing.”
One of the most challenging lessons to learn in the journey of recovery from addiction and alcoholism is this: “What you are not changing, you are choosing.”
Alcoholics Anonymous doesn’t work for everyone. Here are 5 reasons why it may not be working for you.
Saying relapse is a part of recovery is like saying an infection is part of a wound healing.
If you are not getting clean and sober out of the fear of the short-term pain of withdrawals, you aren’t avoiding pain. You are simply choosing long-term misery over short term pain.
Even the smallest pebble dropped in the middle of a pond can cause ripples that can reach the shore.
I will stop tomorrow. Monday. Next month. New Year’s Day. As soon as I get done with this one thing.
Repairing relationships is possible but we need to have patience in their healing process.
What we tell ourselves matter and how telling ourselves we are powerless is what actually makes us that way.
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